Saturday, 20 July 2013

The most unique cake designs

So in this post I am going to count down 10 most unique cake designs

Right so a few days ago I made my Fiance a birthday cake in the shape of a dumbbell as he is obbsessed with the gym and bodybuilding which if I do say so myself I dont think looks too bad for me not being a cake maker. But it got me thinking about what unique cake designs there are out there so I am going to count down the top 10. 

1.  Cornsnake Cake

This is such a unique looking cake it looks almost real. 

2. Baby in Pram 

This looks like a lot of hard work will have been put in to make this cake whoever has made it my hat goes off to them it looks amazing.

3. Spaceship?

I am not entirely sure what this is but it looks great. To make all the detail on the spaceship thing would have been quite hard.

4. Teeth

Ok so I am guessing that the person this cake was for is a dentist. Its so unique I have never seen a cake like this before.

5. Muscle Body 

I think this looks amazing the detail that been put in to make it look like the outline of every muscle. The shine and colour actually looks like skin too. 

6. McDonalds

This looks mint, I cant believe someone has managed to make this look so much like a mcdonalds meal even down to the little ketchup at the front!

7. Cutting up a mermaid

So this cake is of a chef cutting up a mermaid the design is amazing, the look on the chefs face is so funny too. 

8. Beautiful Ballerina

This cake would be perfect for a young girl the design is so beautiful I love the detailing on the bodice.

9. Turtle

So my evil ex boyfriend used to say I look like one of these, however the design on this is great would be good for a children's birthday party.

10. Ducks in the bath

Aww this design is so cute, I love it the little water droplets on the floor and the detailing of the tiles is great. 

Well I hope you have enjoyed reading this if theres any cake designs that you think are unique please send me them and I will make sure I post them. Any questions email me


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